12 Days of VEXmas

Hello VEXForum!
I would like to apologize for the amount of Christmas posts my team is making. :wink:
We are a very festive bunch, so the unfestive threads and lack of snow are bringing us down.
In the spirit of the holiday, we would like to present to you a rewritten version of our favorite Christmas song, the 12 Days of Christmas!

On the first day of Christmas
my mentor gave to me
A cortex and a battery

On the second day of Christmas
my mentor gave to me;
two VEXnet keys
and cortex and a battery

On the eleventh day of Christmas
VEXForum gave to me;
Eleven spammers spamming
Ten forced entanglements
Nine download errors
Eight rockin re-veals
Seven random posts
Six high strength gears
Five omni wheels
(stra-fing drive)
Four license plates
Three joysticks
Two VEXnet keys
and a cortex and a battery

On the twelfth day of Christmas
Robotics gave to me...
All these friendly teams (thanks guys)
Eleven spammers spamming
Ten forced entanglements
Nine download errors
Eight rockin re-veals
Seven random posts
Six high strength gears
Five omni wheels
(stra-fing drive)
Four license plates
Three joysticks
Two VEXnet keys
and a cortex and a battery

If you would like to view the rest of the lyrics to sing along ;) : [[attachment:567dd3ff2bb0f]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BlsRxUt1hFicJMh0XZ5huKoyN-iqsSzD95KpQLk-_rc/edit?pref=2&pli=1)

Thank you so much for doing this!
This is really fun.
Good luck to everyone.
May your full court shots be 100% accurate. :smiley:

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
robotics kids are comin’ to town
robotics kids are comin’ to town
robotics kids are comin’ to town
They’re making a notebook
They’re checking it twice
They’re gonna find out
What works or not
robotics kids are comin’ to town
robotics kids arecomin’ to town
robotics kids are comin’ to town
They know when its functioning
They know when its non-functioning
They know what the right choice
So listen for goodness sake
So you better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
robotics kids are comin’ to town
robotics kids are comin’ to town
robotics kids are comin’ to town
It doesn’t really rhyme but its worth sharing =) Merry vexmas!

@Samuel Crouch (7842D) Thanks! It means a lot to us that you like it.
@TitaniumNyanKat Haha I guess…

Merry VEXmas, fellow roboticians. (That’s a word. We robot, we don’t language.)

Tru dat ^
Here is my song:
Jingle VEX
Dashing round the field
with a robot competing
Shooting balls in goals
O’er collecting balls we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on speakers ring
Making LEDs dim (but spirits bright)
What fun it is to build and program
a vex robot tonight
VEX robots
VEX robots
Vexing all the way (the verb[link]http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/vex[/link]
Oh what fun it is to make
Some awesome vex robots

Its lovely =P

All of your songs are on POINT!