well, today the new frc game was released and the main object is to drive around the field completing laps, while trying to score with the trackball. the trackball is a massive 40" diameter, 10 pound ball, of which there are 4 of on the playing field. they start out on top of the overpass, which is 6.5’ above the ground. points are awarded for knocking down the balls during autonomous, going past 4 checkpoints on the field, getting a trackball across your finish line, getting a trackball over your alliances’ overpass, and getting the trackball on top of and staying on top of the overpass.
i find that there is just not enough of a difference between the easy part of the game (completing laps) and the hard part (getting the trackball over the overpass/around the field) i just feel that moving the trackball is a hard challenge, and there needs to be intermediate level of scoring capabilities to make the game more complex.
1-3: no features besids movement, ratings bassed on speed and turning
4-6: robots that can move well, and get a ball off the top during atonomus (much easear than past years) rated by speed, and consistancy
7-10: Robots that can lift the ball above the overpass, rated on all conponents
1 = worst
*ratings described refer to within the catigory
Actually, this game seems like a big improvement. Teams will actually have to focus on either their drive trains or their mechanisms, and because of a lack of defense, the game should allow everyone to participate (instead of being guarded the whole time). It’s also far more spectator friendly. I believe FIRST did an excellent job designing this game! Bravo!
lol same here i was watching the kickoff off of nasa
remember ‘we’re really going into overdrive…that’s not a game hint’
lol it wasnt a game hint, it was the game!
im considering using a kicker with pneumatics to shoot the trackball, which required about 1000 newtons of force. im not sure how practical this is, but this early on in the season, it doesnt matter.
How far were you trying to move the ball when you came up with 1000N? I came up with a significantly smaller value; but I might not have been trying to move it as far as you were.
I totally disagree!!! The lack of defense coupled with the small number of different scoring mechanisms takes away from the element of strategy that I enjoy in the game. We usually spend a few days after kickoff just brainstorming how we think the game will be played. “Will teams go for this or that. Is it worth it to try to score this way when it is easier to defend? Will this defensive capability make a difference?” This year, we were done figuring out how the game would be played in about 30 minutes.
In my opinion, if your team makes a high scoring robot that others can easily defend every year you haven’t spent enough time brainstorming. The high scoring robots I have seen in Atlanta have considered defense too, so they are tough to defend. A good example is Aim High…I saw teams with very nice ball shooters, but they were very low on the robot. Any team could park in front of them and block all their shots. The best shooters were mounted high, could align quickly, and were put on a fast chassis.
Defensive strategy is ok to impliment in your robot, but this competition is leaning toward the offensive capabilities of your robot. If you get a bad alliance partner, you need to be able to score quickly and not worry about defense. Be sure to incorporate both strategies in your robot.