2015 IQ Day Camp Experiences

Is anybody up for sharing their experiences with running IQ day camps this past summer? I plan on putting up my answers to these questions soonish, but I figured if I get the questions posted that gives others the opportunity to think about responses before full competition season takes over.

  • What were the camp demographics? Number of campers, age range, etc.
  • What was your camp schedule? Number of sessions, days per session, hours per day, etc.
  • What were your camp ratios? Number of campers per kit, number of campers per counselor, etc.
  • What was your daily schedule?
  • What were your facilities like? Layout, size, available resources, etc.
  • What activities did your camp do? Did you use the VEX IQ camp guide, one of the competition sets (bank shot and/or high rise), or something else of your own devising?
  • How did you keep everything organized? Parts, electronics, in-progress robots/mechanisms, kids, etc.
  • Overall, what went really well?
  • Overall, what would you do differently?
  • Did you have a formal camp rules or camp philosophy?
  • Do you have anything else of note to share?
(Edited to add more questions. Feel free to not answer all of them.)


I was forwarded this thread by Karthik, and I wanted to forward you some information, but haven’t found the time to.

I ran a VEX IQ camp called Bot Camp this summer, and it went extremely well. The staff, campers, parents and I were very happy with how it went, and we are looking to expand for next year.

Some (but not all) of the answers to your questions can be found on our site: http://bot-camp.com

Good luck!