2023-2024 Event Partner Advisory Board

The Event Partner Advisory Board is a group of select Event Partners that provides input and feedback to the REC Foundation and the VEX Robotics Competition community. Applications are open to Event Partners from all geographical areas and all experience levels. The recommendations presented by the Event Partner Advisory Board will help influence strategic initiatives, policy, services, competition, and overall effectiveness of our robotics programs. The Event Partner Advisory Board will meet once a month (remotely) throughout the season.

During the review and selection process, the REC Foundation will aim to select Event Partners with diverse backgrounds and experience levels. This will include Event Partners that are:

  • Hosting VEX Robotics Programs
  • Veteran/Experienced Event Partners
  • Newer Event Partners
  • Hosting Large Events
  • Hosting Local Tournaments, Leagues, or Skills Only Events
  • From Rural and Urban Settings
  • From a Variety of Geographic Locations

Participants of the Event Partner Advisory Board are expected to:

  • Support the REC Foundation Code of Conduct Policy, both in participation on the Event Partner Advisory Board and as an Event Partner
  • Commit to participating in monthly meetings either by phone or online. Meetings may be recorded.
  • Commit to participation for at least one full robotics ‘season’ (unless circumstances occur that are beyond the member’s control).
  • Agree to the Confidentiality Notice on the application.

If you are interested in serving on the Event Partner Advisory Board, please complete the application form no later than August 15, 2023 . Applicants will be notified of their selection status on August 21, 2023 . The first meeting will be September 5, 2023.

If you have questions, please reach out to your EEM/RSM.

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