2024-25 Signature Events Reveal?

Usually the Signature Events are unveiled at/during Worlds but I can’t seem to find the 2024-25 Rapid Relay Signature Event schedule anywhere. Before I email our Regional Support Manager I figured I’d ask here. On the Signature Event Requirements for Event Partners, 2024-2025 season page at recf.org it does say they’ll be revealed to the public:

On or immediately after VEX Worlds

Also, I like that this year they’ve split out the Elementary and Middle School levels into separate Signature Events…though I imagine those organizations that have teams in both won’t be as enthusiastic about that change and having to duplicate expenses/trips.

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All Signature Events (both IQ and VRC) were announced at the HS VRC Worlds. They posted a video on YouTube that has all events listed, including IQ.

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Here’s the list of events from the video linked above