I have my bot with a 4 motor drivetrain (2 motors on each side) the issue is I need 1 motor on each side to spin the opposite direction. So I need half the motors to spin forward while half spin backward. I only know how to block code, so I can’t figure out how to do that under the drivetrain setting. Thank you.
I need it to be set, so the drive train is under the button of the joystick on the controller. Which is not possible through block coding unless you select the drive train option.
Do you mean single arcade?
Do you really need it to be set that way?
(also you should learn text coding before next season)
@rs1 I do need it to be set that way because of the gears.
also I need it to be using both joy sticks (double arcade?)
Click into Devices, Click the motor you want to reverse and select reverse at the bottom of the menu.
@DrJaffaCake I don’t see a way to reverse it in the drivetrain
When using the drivetrain both left (and right) motors need to spin in the same direction, there is no way to reconfigure the drivetrain in the way you need using graphical configuration (it can be done using C++ or Python code).
So abandon the drivetrain, create individual motors and then write some code to control them how you need.
Apologies, I thought you were using motors. Just set up individual motors for the drive if you wish to stay in block coding.