5627 Fll

Hey tell me if you think we will go to state.

We’re team Tech Tales 5627
This is most everything we’ve done:

Held a scrimmage at Reinhardt College and presented our research to the other teams(it wasn’t tweaked then so it was kinda bad)

On Tuesday night we presented our research and robot rounds to the boy scouts (troop 890 and they even clapped after our research).

Did two energy audits one was the performing arts center at Reinhardt College
and the other was one of the kids on our team

We’ve made invention hand outs and how they work (im saving the good one for when were in research and ill try to post some of the pics of the invention)

Our average robot round 290-320 and we don’t have some big scoring elements programed (yet)

Last year at state we were 11th overall and 2nd place robot design and we were mentored by the gear geeks last year.

plz tell me anything we should add or take out.

We made it to state! we where 4th out of 20 and only 5 teams went to state.

congratulations!! do you have a pic of your robot somewhere?

I don’t think so maybe mister t does, I know he pics of our team(he was a judge and so was the rest of the team accept me)

mister_t, if you`re reading this thread please post a pic

thank you :smiley: