6 motor drive train always in reverse

my drivetrain is set to reverse inputs, so forward is backwards, and left is right. I cant seem to find a way to change it so that forward is forward ect. can i get any help on this? thank you!


#include "vex.h"

using namespace vex;
using signature = vision::signature;
using code = vision::code;

// A global instance of brain used for printing to the V5 Brain screen
brain  Brain;

// VEXcode device constructors
controller Controller1 = controller(primary);
motor leftMotorA = motor(PORT11, ratio6_1, false);
motor leftMotorB = motor(PORT12, ratio6_1, false);
motor leftMotorC = motor(PORT1, ratio6_1, false);
motor_group LeftDriveSmart = motor_group(leftMotorA, leftMotorB, leftMotorC);
motor rightMotorA = motor(PORT20, ratio6_1, true);
motor rightMotorB = motor(PORT19, ratio6_1, true);
motor rightMotorC = motor(PORT10, ratio6_1, true);
motor_group RightDriveSmart = motor_group(rightMotorA, rightMotorB, rightMotorC);
inertial DrivetrainInertial = inertial(PORT18);
smartdrive Drivetrain = smartdrive(LeftDriveSmart, RightDriveSmart, DrivetrainInertial, 299.24, 320, 40, mm, 0.6);

// VEXcode generated functions
// define variable for remote controller enable/disable
bool RemoteControlCodeEnabled = true;
// define variables used for controlling motors based on controller inputs
bool DrivetrainLNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1 = true;
bool DrivetrainRNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1 = true;

// define a task that will handle monitoring inputs from Controller1
int rc_auto_loop_function_Controller1() {
  // process the controller input every 20 milliseconds
  // update the motors based on the input values
  while(true) {
    if(RemoteControlCodeEnabled) {
      // calculate the drivetrain motor velocities from the controller joystick axies
      // left = Axis3 + Axis1
      // right = Axis3 - Axis1
      int drivetrainLeftSideSpeed = Controller1.Axis3.position() + Controller1.Axis1.position();
      int drivetrainRightSideSpeed = Controller1.Axis3.position() - Controller1.Axis1.position();
      // check if the value is inside of the deadband range
      if (drivetrainLeftSideSpeed < 5 && drivetrainLeftSideSpeed > -5) {
        // check if the left motor has already been stopped
        if (DrivetrainLNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1) {
          // stop the left drive motor
          // tell the code that the left motor has been stopped
          DrivetrainLNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1 = false;
      } else {
        // reset the toggle so that the deadband code knows to stop the left motor nexttime the input is in the deadband range
        DrivetrainLNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1 = true;
      // check if the value is inside of the deadband range
      if (drivetrainRightSideSpeed < 5 && drivetrainRightSideSpeed > -5) {
        // check if the right motor has already been stopped
        if (DrivetrainRNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1) {
          // stop the right drive motor
          // tell the code that the right motor has been stopped
          DrivetrainRNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1 = false;
      } else {
        // reset the toggle so that the deadband code knows to stop the right motor next time the input is in the deadband range
        DrivetrainRNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1 = true;
      // only tell the left drive motor to spin if the values are not in the deadband range
      if (DrivetrainLNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1) {
        LeftDriveSmart.setVelocity(drivetrainLeftSideSpeed, percent);
      // only tell the right drive motor to spin if the values are not in the deadband range
      if (DrivetrainRNeedsToBeStopped_Controller1) {
        RightDriveSmart.setVelocity(drivetrainRightSideSpeed, percent);
    // wait before repeating the process
    wait(20, msec);
  return 0;

 * Used to initialize code/tasks/devices added using tools in VEXcode Pro.
 * This should be called at the start of your int main function.
void vexcodeInit( void ) {
  Brain.Screen.print("Device initialization...");
  Brain.Screen.setCursor(2, 1);
  // calibrate the drivetrain Inertial
  wait(200, msec);
  Brain.Screen.print("Calibrating Inertial for Drivetrain");
  // wait for the Inertial calibration process to finish
  while (DrivetrainInertial.isCalibrating()) {
    wait(25, msec);
  // reset the screen now that the calibration is complete
  task rc_auto_loop_task_Controller1(rc_auto_loop_function_Controller1);
  wait(50, msec);

edit: code tags were added by moderators, please remember to use them.

I do IQ block coding, but from what I can tell, would you need to reverse your motors on your base?
Sorry, reverse would be IQ.
I suggest you swap the true and false on your motor groups for your base.
I hope this helps. If it works, can you please respond? I will be doing this coding next year.


yeah it worked, i was having a issue where playing the code off my pc wouldn’t do the changes i made but downloading it to controller allowed the changes. thanks!