Air usage w/ multiple pistons

When using multiple pistons going into one thing (ex: two pistons powering one mobile goal grabber), does that use up more air than when just using one, or does it stay the same?

If this isn’t intuitive to you, try testing both ways and counting the acutuations you get in a single charge of your tank. Record the results in your notebook.

yes. using 2 pistons uses more air (twice as much actually).

to save on air if your really concerned you can
1: make sure u use a minimum amount of tubing between the solenoid and the pistons
2: use 1 solenoids per system not per piston
3: use a pressure regulator since in most cases mechs dont need the max amount of avaialable pressure.

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Yes, multiple air cylinders use more air. You’ll get half the actuations with 2 air cylinders over a single air cylinder.

it will use more air. we have a two piston clamp and it uses slightly more air than a one piston clamp, but not enough to make a difference. hope this helps.

My team is trying to use 1 solenoid to power our end game ( 2 75mm pistons) as well as our clamp, ( 2 25mm pistons). How would we go about doing this and how would we be able to code this

I know this isn’t my topic but is this idea a good or bad one (trying to use only one solenoid)

so to be clear you are trying to use 1 solenoids for 2 different mechs?

This is a normal way to power two air cylinders with a single solenoid. I’m not a fan of exhaust flow control valves (the fittings you show on the “nose end” of your air cylinders), unless you really want to control the speed of the air cylinder extension. I’d use just straight fittings at both ends of the air cylinders, but if you just open the flow control valve wide open, it works the same.

yes that is what we are trying to do. We are aware that the 2 mechs will go off at the same time