Answered: Advancing To The World Championships

If a team were to win the Programming Skills Challenge with a SECONDARY robot, would the PRIMARY robot advance with the team and compete in the matches at the World Championships?

Or would the SECONDARY robot only advance?

Keep your eyes on this page:

When “Appendix E - Awards” is released it will have more information on the qualifying for the 2009 VEX World Championships.

It has been a month and still there has been no update, the first competition that I am going to is on the 25th.

When will the two remaining files be uploaded?

“Appendix D - Programming Guide” has now been posted.
“Appendix E - Awards” will be posted tomorrow (10/10/2008).

Sorry for the delay and any inconvenience this may have caused. Good Luck at your event!

Wow. That is awesome!

Thanks a lot!

Appendix E is now posted on the Elevation Competition page in the Elevation Documents section. This Appendix provides information on the various awards, the Engineering Notebook and the VEX Robotics Competition World Championship qualifying criteria.

All qualification for the World Championship is done on a team by team basis. If a team qualifies by using a SECONDARY robot to win the Programming Skills Challenge, the entire team would qualify for the World Championships, including the PRIMARY robot.

For full details of the World Championship qualifying criteria, please see Appendix E - Awards.