Hi Karthik,
I have a question regarding intentionally bumping or knocking robots that are either hanging or trying to hang, which possibly results in them falling off the bar. I am aware of SG7, but would like a clarification regarding the time before the last 30 seconds.
<SG7> Once there is less than thirty (0:30) seconds remaining in the match, Robots may not touch an
opposing Robot that is touching their own Hanging Bar or Hanging Structure. Additionally, Robots may
not touch the opposing Alliance’s Hanging Bar or Hanging Structure during this time period. Violations of
this rule will result in a warning for minor offenses which do not affect the match. Egregious (match
affecting) offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive
a Disqualification at the head referee’s discretion
If Robot A were to drive into/ram/hit Robot B, which is trying to hang or hanging, would there be any penalty or warning for Robot A if it affects Robot B? If Robot B lands normally on the ground vs. lands tipped or out of the field, would that have a difference on what happens to Robot A?
Hi Karthik,
I have a question regarding intentionally bumping or knocking robots that are either hanging or trying to hang, which possibly results in them falling off the bar. I am aware of SG7, but would like a clarification regarding the time before the last 30 seconds.
If Robot A were to drive into/ram/hit Robot B, which is trying to hang or hanging, would there be any penalty or warning for Robot A if it affects Robot B? If Robot B lands normally on the ground vs. lands tipped or out of the field, would that have a difference on what happens to Robot A?
There is no specific rule against this behaviour, but teams should always be mindful of <G11>, which is quoted below.
<G11> Strategies aimed solely at the destruction, damage, tipping over, or Entanglement of Robots are not part of the ethos of the VEX Robotics Competition and are not allowed. However, VEX Toss Up is an interactive game. Some incidental tipping, Entanglement, and damage may occur as a part of normal game play. If the tipping, Entanglement, or damage is ruled to be intentional or egregious, the offending team may be disqualified from that Match. Repeated offenses could result in a team being Disqualified from the remainder of the competition.
VEX Toss Up is intended to be an offensive game. Teams that partake in solely defensive strategies will undergo extra scrutiny in regards to <G11>. In the case where referees are forced to make a judgment call on interaction between a defensive and offensive Robot, the referees will err on the side of the offensive Robot.
a. Robots which have expanded horizontally in an effort to obstruct the field will undergo even more scrutiny under <G11>, and will not be protected under <G11>. e.g. If you choose to undertake this type of strategy, your robot should be built to withstand vigorous interaction.
i. Furthermore, teams that undertake this type of obstructive strategy would not be protected by <SG3>. e.g. There is no penalty for pinning a “wall-bot”.
All teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots. This goes for teams who are driving recklessly and potentially causing damage, but also goes for teams who drive around with a small wheel base and arm extended. Teams should design their Robots such that they are not easily tipped over or damaged by minor contact.
Thanks Karthik!
So, if I understand correctly, it is permitted to knock robots off the bar (before the last 30s), as long as the intention is only to stop them from hanging and not to intentionally tip, damage, or entangle them. If as a result of falling or being knocked off the robot land tipped over, would that penalize the robot that knocked them off?
So, if I understand correctly, it is permitted to knock robots off the bar (before the last 30s), as long as the intention is only to stop them from hanging and not to intentionally tip, damage, or entangle them. If as a result of falling or being knocked off the robot land tipped over, would that penalize the robot that knocked them off?
Yes, however in general, any attempt to knock a team off the Hanging Bar would be heavily scrutinized under <G11>, and most likely would be considered an excessive/egregious action.
Yes, however in general, any attempt to knock a team off the Hanging Bar would be heavily scrutinized under <G11>, and most likely would be considered an excessive/egregious action.
Okay, makes sense. Thanks Karthik!