Answered: Can I use Autodesk Showcase?

are we allowed to render in autodesk showcase?

sorry this was intended to go in the digital prototyping challenge thread but somehow ended up here? not sure what went wrong, i had very bad connection at the time, so maybe that was the problem. ignore this thread

I moved it here because it sounded like you had a question about the rules of the Autodesk Online Challenge. If this is not correct, I can move the question back, but if you want an official answer, this is the correct thread.

I’m looking into the answer, by the way. I hope to have it for you tomorrow.

Ok, thanks. I was just a little confused when it was moved. It is fine now!

Thank you for your patience. As long as the design is executed in in Autodesk Inventor, you may use another tool to create 3D renderings. To answer your specific question, Autodesk Showcase is permitted.