Using Light Sensors:
Can we use colored filters so autonomous mode can differentiate between cubes?
Can colored LED(s) be added to the robot for use with the light sensors? Without them light sensors aren’t really effective!
Using Light Sensors:
Can we use colored filters so autonomous mode can differentiate between cubes?
Can colored LED(s) be added to the robot for use with the light sensors? Without them light sensors aren’t really effective!
The list of materials allowed for robot construction are outlined in rule <R5> of the VEX Robotics Competition Elevation Manual Section 4 - “The Robot”.
This rule primarily allows for use of VEX Robotics Design System Robot Components. However it makes special allowances for certain additional materials. If you have questions about the legality of a part, consult <R5>.
Specifically allowed by <R5> are “Any material strictly used as a color filter for a VEX Light Sensor”.
There are no special allowances made for colored LEDs, and the VEX Robotics Design System does not contain any such component, therefore these are not allowed.
Last night I discovered that VEX has a 4-LED Flashlight Kit PN#276-2210
as part of the VExplorer series. Since the claw is allowed and it’s from this group of components, does that mean that flashlight is allowed as well?
See Answer here:
The flashlight kit is NOT legal.