Answered: Crystals

Was wondering what is inside that wonderful yellow crystal housing that you plug into the transmitter?

I’m wanting to modify my transmitter. I’m going to use double pole 3 position switches. now in all theory i should be able to do this. but i don’t know what is in the glued box is it just a crsytal? is the housing just something that makes it easier for a person to install or is it something that makes it only vex useable (i assume this)

before i go opening these sealed jewels i would like to know

  1. size not being an issue can other combonations be used like my breifly flown/crashed airplanes? will that crystal set work?

  2. if there is a no to number 1 is it electrical? is there a voltage and current limiting problem? or maybe a frequency?

thanks a million

The VEX transmitters and receivers were FCC qualified using the factory supplied crystals in the supplied configurations. Any other crystal or configuration is not FCC approved for operation. Therefore, unfortunately we can not support actions that will be in violation of the FCC.

ok so are you saying that

  1. you can not tell me what is inside of the yellow crystal housing?
  2. that other paired FCC legal crystal sets from another R/C ( ie airplane) are not legal? I don’t think i understand this answer. how is a crystal set from say futaba thats fcc legal not interchangeable with another fcc legal r/c device? lets speculate that they are vibrating on the same precise freq. if i remove them from my futaba transmitter and put them in my vex that it’s now a federal law violation?

1.Yes, I can not tell you what inside the yellow housing.
2. Crystals vibrating at the desired frequency in a different model of R/C will not necessarily vibrate at the same frequency and spectral purity in the VEX set. Load capacitance and crystal drive are just two factors affecting performance. Our FCC certification is based on the crystals used and not of unknown crystals. So we can not approve different crystal sets.