I am asking for a revision of Rule 5 in light of he current Global Meltdown.
Several teams from our country hope to be competing in Dallas and we have a problem. We all started with the VEX Robot Battery Pack that takes loose AA batteries. We and the other teams have invested (heaps) in rechargable batteries to run our robots and save the environment. Now we see that we have to go out and waste money buying the 7.2V Robot Battery packs, fast chargers and so on. If we are forced to do this then we will have to tell some of our team that batteries are going instead of them to Dallas.
Please can we change that rule to read "The only allowable source of power for a VEX Robotics Competition Robot is a single (1)
VEX 7.2V Robot Battery Pack or a single (1) official VEX Robot Battery Holder with rechargable batteries, unless the robot is utilizing the VEX Power Expander.
This will help teams during the current economic crisis and not limit the competition to the wealthy.