During tournaments’ Qualifying Matches, what determines which alliance must place their machines on the field first?
During tournaments’ Elimination Matches, what determines which alliance must place their machines on the field first?
Thanks in advance,
November 24, 2008, 4:46pm
Good question…
The Elevation Game Manual was updated on 11/24/2008 and now has an additional rule in the “Tournament” section.
The updated manual is available for download here:
[FONT=Arial]<T05>[/FONT] [FONT=Arial] Once a robot has been placed & oriented on the field, team members are NOT allowed to adjust its position.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]a. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]During Qualification matches, the BLUE alliance must place & orient their robots on the field first.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]b. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]During Elimination matches, the LOWER-seeded alliance must place & orient their robots on the field first.[/FONT][FONT=Arial] * (i.e. in a match between the 4th Seeded Alliance and the 5th Seeded Alliance: the 5th Seeded Alliance is the lower seed and must place their robots first, once placed & oriented they cannot readjust their robots.)*[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]c. [/FONT][FONT=Arial]If the alliance that placed their robots on the field first makes an illegal adjustment to their robots, the alliance that placed their robots on the field last will always have the last opportunity to orient/adjust their robot placement. Multiple illegal adjustments can result in a DQ at the discretion of the head-referee.[/FONT]
JVN - The next time the rules need updating, the section containing this new rule would be a great place to remind teams to put their CPU somewhere where it can be turned on and off, without having to pick up the robot…
Thanks for the quick turnaround,