Armbot w/ Pneumatics & torso

Yes! this robot is good, and it works in competition grade.
I designed the robot like a madcat.
It has a swivel top torso with a arm on it, and
non-FVC team Pneumatics.

This torso, lets the robot not use energy to move side-to-side.

Total Estimated cost: $1000

Nice very nice. I especially like the turntable you made for this. Can you post of picture of it? Very nice work how long did it take you?

Well, I started working on it since the beginning of December. (I could of did this in 2 nights)

I started it, waited for Christmas to get the Pneumatics, and Extra motors.

later (This month) I bought a heavy-duty swivel pad, and adapted that to it.

look on the newest in the galery, Here

very nice dude :slight_smile: so how are the pneumatics? are they worth buying?

As lonf as you want to pump after a couple minuites, or buy a compressor They are great!:wink:

thanks for answering. :slight_smile:

Looks like we both have E-mail notifying us:rolleyes:

Looks like a cool bot. The gripper looks deadly…awsome.
Are u going to cut unessary parts and organize the wires. I just get alittle ocd when it with me arm bot. my arm does the same thing as urs but mine is alittle smaller and no c02. Im trying to make my bot on track move fast though.

DREAD :cool:

I’m Thinking about reusing the claw area, and change it out with stuff like drills, pneumatic shovels, magnets, ect…

Dude that would be so sweet i was thinking of doing somthing like that but it could turn out to be a problem in the future. My arm robot is light weight. I made so the arm is as light as possible as well as the body. My bot is almost as big as ur but weighs only about 1/4 to 1/2 of a pound maybe 1 pound.
Urs is about let me guess 2lbs to 3lbs?

My arm on the bot uses 5 motors anhd 1 servo.
1motor for the turning of the arm.
2motors for the lower up down
2motors for the upper up down
Also insted of gears I use double chain for each motor.

But anyway i would totaly go with the idea of attching stuff on the arm.
I was thinking airosft with mine.

p.s. $1000 wow. mine is about $800 including micro camera.

nice bot!!!:cool:
what sensors are you using?

whats that antena on there for?