How do you assign a controller button to use a specific motor ?
We just applied a 5th and 6th motor to a robot and want to control them with the controller
The built-in Driver Control program will only control motors in a specific way. If you want to assign joystick controls to specific motors, then you would need to write a program.
One easy option is to create a Joystick Wizard project using Robot Mesh and assign actions to the joystick controls. Go to and create a new VEX IQ Joystick Wizard project.
Which programming language are you using to control the robot? If you are using ROBOTC, there is a “armControl” command that can be used to directly map two joystick buttons to a motor (for forward and reverse). You can find information on this command in the help documentation page linked below.
Graphical ROBOTC for VEX IQ Remote Control Commands:
You can also find instructions on programming a VEX IQ’s motors for remote control using ROBOTC in the ROBOTC Introduction to Programming VEX IQ video curriculum, under the ‘Direct Control -> Remote Control’ section (specifically, video #5).
Introduction to Programming VEX IQ:
As always, if you run into any questions or issues please do not hesitate to let us know and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Thank you so much
I’ll try these ideas