When you are in autonomous and you have done one side of the field, does the robot needs to cross the bridge to do the other side of the field on its own and finish that second side on its own or do the team pick up the robot, put the robot in the starting position on the other side of the field and push start again to complete the program?
In autonomous, you can physically pick up the robot and move it to the other side
Yes, Virginie, there is an option that allows the students to carry the robot to the other side of the field. However, it comes with some restrictions:
From the Game Manual:
Programming Skills Match Specific Rules:
<PSC1> A team may handle their Robot as many times as they want during a Programming Skills
a. Upon handling the Robot, it must be immediately brought back to a legal starting position
b. If the Robot is possessing any Hexballs when the Robot is being handled, these Hexballs will be removed from the playing field and can no longer be used
c. If there are any Hexballs in the Robot Starting Position where the Robot is being placed, these Hexballs will be removed from the playing field and can no longer be used.
So… carrying of the robot from one side to the other, will NOT help in bringing HexBalls from one side to the other.