Ball launcher for a volleyball ball

Hey everyone!

I need some help or ideas for a ball launcher for a volleyball ball. So i know that there are three main ball launcher types: fly wheel, puncher, and catapult. And I know that the usual commercial launchers are the fly wheel type for such a thing but from experience they tend to wear out the ball with use. What i’d need is to launch it about 10ft (3m) in the air at an angle (50-60 degrees).

I have managed to make it for smaller balls (like a tennis ball) but when scaling it seems to be a problem with the required size/weight (the weight is 0.65lbs or 300g max).

I know it’s a very specific question and not a question for the competitions but would still appreciate any input and ideas. Just trying to make something to practice some volleyball elements when I’m on my own.

I would recommend a slipgear catapult. Use two or four motors geared down sufficiently, and you’ll want a pretty long arm.

Also, you can have the end of the arm curved like a spoon to give some extra fling on release.

You’ll need to weigh the base down sufficiently.

How are you loading balls in to the mechanism? A hopper/net?

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And since you are clearly offroading here, you can make a circle out of stacked sheet material and then bolt gears to the center, effectively giving you a bigger gear.

For launching loads like yours I’m a huge fan of this:

I’d go with the stacked plexi wheel and build a choo-choo out of 1x1x35 Aluminum Angle (6-pack 276-6484) that I had converted into boxed channel for strength.

YMMV, wear your safety glasses.

Great project idea for volleyball practice! For a 300g volleyball, a catapult mechanism would likely work best since it’s gentler on the ball compared to flywheels.

Consider using surgical tubing or heavy-duty rubber bands as the power source - they provide good elastic potential energy and are easily adjustable.

For the 50-60 degree launch angle, you can build an adjustable stop mechanism to consistently hit your target angle.