Hi @jpearman ,
One of our v5 Batteries is flashing in a 1,2,3 pattern. The whole sequence happens about 3.3x per second.
The red light is also flashing, but at a slower rate, about 4x per second. When we unplug from power, it alternates red and green quickly. Plugging into a brain slows the flashing down, but after a couple of seconds the brain turns off. We have tried with a couple of different brains, and both behave the same.
When we connect to battery medic, we get the following:
If we plug the battery into the brain whilst it is plugged into the charger, the brain displays a banner at the top “Waiting for Download…” but then disappears after a few seconds.
We have tried force-updating the brain firmware, but no success.
Obviously this is supposed to be an automatic process, but something isn’t working. Is there a way to manually force a firmware update to the battery?
date : Fri Feb 11 2022 14:54:24 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
version : V5 Firmware Utility 1.3.0
vexos : 1,1,0,0
Serial : VEX Robotics V5 Brain - 9F0B2800:/dev/tty.usbmodem143101
CPU0 : 1.1.0b1
CPU1 : 1.1.0b0
Assets : ok
arch : x86_64
platform : mac
release : 18.7.0
cpus : 4
model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6287U CPU @ 3.10GHz
memory : 16777216 KB
agent : 5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6)
: AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
: Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36
Devices :
port 22 : V5 Tri Port (Type 12) version: 1.0.0.b9 boot: 1.0.1
port 23 : V5 Battery (Type 14) version: 0.0.0.b0 boot: 0.0.0
Programs :
No programs !
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