Best mechanism for this season? Flywheel, Catapult, or Puncher

Would a fly wheel work on the hero bots drive train instead of using the given shooter mechanism in the instructions?

Have you tried it before?

I have not observed this effect happening in VRC flywheels.


I recommend a catapult

The hero bot doesn’t have a shooter… If you are talking about the intake that has flaps, there’s no good way to incorporate a shooter. Sorry to be such a downer, but I can’t see a good way to turn the intake into a shooter. Good luck with it anyway!

Why not just use a flywheel on a bar that can extend vertically, and can also be used to hang?

I would assume puncher would be better, as its less bulky than a catapult so it can be raised just like a flywheel, but it is also more accurate. The biggest con I have seen on punchers is it is hard to place the triballs, but with the right reaction surface that is easily remedied.

For less experienced teams, flywheel is in my opinion easier to matchload. There’s various pros and cons to consider, but our team uses flywheel for the following:

Ease of use
Small and easy build
Quick match loading (no wait time)

If you build an optimized flywheel, you can continuously and legally introduce triballs one after another without any wait time. This is what having no “reload time” means, simply not needing to wait for a puncher or catapult to go down between shots.

The bowling strategy is being used now these days, and with our flywheel we can do both long range over-blocker strategies and powerful under the bar launching, my guess is that bowling or pushing triballs down the sides of the field will become very prevalent.

That message was pretty early in the season and I had no idea how the rules were gonna be enforced.
I was also envisaging a slightly different flywheel design to what ended up becoming most common. Personally, I don’t like it, but to each their own.

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