Brain not sensing wireless i

I have a two month old Brain that has firmware update v1.13. In following the simple direction of connection the brain and controller with the radios installed. When the tether is disconnected there is no searching to find a signal. Looking at the settings the radio shows 0.0%.

So far I have updated the firmware multiple times
switched the two radios
used two different working radios from the local shop in San Jose

When I called support this morning there suggestion(and I will go down this road just in case) was to email support with the proper documentation and they would send out two more radios. If that doesn’t work then I will need to send the Brain in.

I am looking for other suggestions to try in the mean time. We have a competition on January 24th I do not my team to miss out on. This our schools only robot.


Hi Brian,

We’re sorry that you have encountered this issue. Since you have already contacted the official VEX Technical Support group, there are two additional things you can try in the meantime.

If the Radios are not plugged in and/or not seen by the Robot Brain, the Robot Brain will not attempt to look for a paired Controller (the Robot Brain LCD will not indicate that it is searching). The most common cause for this is a physical issue with the radios that is either preventing them from plugging in all the way, or not making electrical connection.

When the radios in the Robot Brain and Controller are fully plugged in, there should only be slightly more than about a quarter inch (slightly more than 7mm) of the Radio showing; you should only see either '900 MHz" or “2.4 GHz”. There might be a small sliver of the top of the “E” in the VEX logo showing. Please ensure there is no dust or debris in the Radio sockets in the Robot Brain or Controller that might be preventing them from fully plugging in.

The second thing to check is the electrical pins in the Radios and the electrical socket in the Robot Brain and Controller. Do these appear damaged or bent in any way that might prevent them from making electrical connection?


  • Art