Broken drivetrain

my team is struggling to fix our drivetrain the issue with that is that the controls our unintelloiny swapped back is forward and left is right and vice versa I get this email from where all desprate people go reddit also I was wondering if if you could share any autonomous ideas Ill send pictures of our robot in the next email thanks in advance for all the help

If I understand you right, your motors are spinning the opposite direction from the one you want them to. Since different methods of coding VEX robots have different ways to fix this issue, what method of programming are you using (Python, VEXCode V5 Pro, etc.)?

What does this mean? Please spell check and use proper punctuation before posting.

The VEX Forum isn’t really a place to give ideas. You can come up with your own idea by looking at how the field is set up and thinking of the way to score the most points with your robot.

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“unintelliony” thats a new one.

From what I can pull, your problem is that your drive motors randomly reverse direction, so forward becomes backwards and left becomes right. I would suggest looking at your code that moderates the actual drive, and see what triggers the directions switch. If there is nothing there, I would suggest getting a new controller and trying again.

As for autom, look at what goals you need to meet in order to get Autonomous Win Point and do as much of that as possible.

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Fixed it thanks and sorry for bad spelling

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If you are using VEXCode, swap the direction:


This will effectively reverse all controls, which will solve your problem.


  • Posts aren’t emails
  • “from where all desprate people go reddit” is a bit… unspecific.

Please review your posts before writing next time

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this was actually an email first

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