If the pins on the end of a motor wire get broken, can this end, by itself be replaced? I don’t know if there is a replacement part for that listed or not?
If the pins on the end of a motor wire get broken, can this end, by itself be replaced? I don’t know if there is a replacement part for that listed or not?
you can solder a 2 wire extension to where it would normally connect, just for repairs though, thats what my team does (sorry guys)
You can open the blue tabs and crimp or solder in a short length of stiff wire (paper clips or sewing pins work.) Close the tabs back up and it looks/acts like new.
That said, I think it could be ruled an illegal repair. @9065_parker 's suggestion is definitely illegal, as you cannot alter the length of vex wires. (Unlikely to be enforced, but true.)
You can make external repairs. You just cannot make internal repairs.
Got it.
What I suggested is thus illegal, since the repair part (piece of sewing pin) is not vex-equivalent.
Soldering on a wire extension is also illegal, as wire length cannot change.
Hopefully referee’s would be reasonable about both of the above.
Use header pins is you must, but ideally you order the cheapest extensions and use the ends of a few to solder and shrink wrap them to the broken wire
No, you misunderstand, i think thats my fault, for not explaining it well, but you cut the 2 wire to the length requires, and cut the cable off the motor and then solder them together
I just replaced the 2 wire connector completely. I de-soldered the connector with the broken pin from the motor and replaced it with a spare that’s lying around. I don’t know if that’s legal though, but they’ll never be able to tell lol. Hope it didn’t break on your tower as you were plugging in a motor controller.
If you solder to the internal board inside the motor it is illegal.
Also, please watch your language on the forum (please edit). No need to be vulgar.
Replacement pins and a crimping tool are available from R/C supply sources, if you’re willing to invest the money for the tool and the time to learn (and practice).