Bug fixing

I go over my lines of code in C++ and try new things like a switch function, but no matter what I do the code never shows me error messages even when I purposefully create errors. Now I can only see errors in my code on one specific computer and nowhere else, is there any possible way to fix this?

Using which program ? VEXcode ? Web based ? What type of computer ?

When asking questions provide background and details, perhaps a screen shot comparing a computer showing errors and one that does not.


Vexcode IQ, C++, Web based and application, windows Lenovo Thinkpad, windows Lenovo Legion 7i, windows laptops (I can’t give a model, just an average school laptop), windows desktops, Macbook pro, Macbook air, Macbook

Given overly ambiguous input data, let me put on my :nerd_face: hat and turn my speculation :steam_locomotive: to :clock11:.

Did you put your code outside of comment block and/or invoke the mighty compiler with a gentle push of appropriate button?

Rather then relying on magical syntax highlighting and latest AI advances :sparkles:to read your mind?

Yes. Did you try to properly compile it on any other computer?


How do I properly compile it? Do I have to run it through another software or is it a line of code?