Our team is trying to make a notebook that stands out from others, and we want lots of math and calculations to add (Acceleration, velocity, etc.) so it can be extremely detailed
Well, you just touched base on a few you can add!
Tons and tons of math doesn’t really make a notebook stand out, but rather could make judges not like it quite as much due to how hard to read it may become. Remember the judges who are scoring your notebook may not always come from really technical backgrounds, so you should see the Engineering Notebook rubric for more information on what will really set your notebook apart.
On that note, make sure to annotate your math clearly. Even seemingly minor annotations of “solving for velocity” “solving for acceleration” etc. will help the judges follow your math.
Also judges really just want to know what you did to your robot not really I know math but I worked on my robot.
I disagree.
Using maths to calculate speed, angles and torque is an essential part of 1 understanding your robot and 2 being able to maximise your robots potential.
Not only is it helpful, but it would likely show evidence of the design process, if you are sketching and doing the math to show specs.
It would certainly give you some points from judging.
Thanks for your guy’s help!