My team and I were recently discussing having two different programs for autonomous skills, and my team’s coder wasn’t sure if we were allowed to have more than one program for auton. I checked the rulebook, and it didn’t specify that you could only run one program for auton, so we’re not sure what to do. Does anyone have any advice? Also, sorry if this topic’s weird or in the wrong category, I’m new to VEX forums.
You did the right thing by reading the game manual. Just understand that the manual tells you what you must do and what you are prohibited from doing. It is impossible for the manual to tell you everything you might do, so if it’s not specifically prohibited, it is usually perfectly legal within the Realms of Common Sense.
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There’s no rule that says this is illegal. In fact, many teams do use many different programs.
However, as to why you want to use different programs, I have no idea.
P.S. That’s mostly the right category