Hello all! I tried building a choo-choo mechanism for my teams robot, but the catapult is coming down at a slant at around 60 degrees but it’s not coming down all the way it stops and then shoots. I’m confused. Can someone clarify please?
do you have a video or picture?
I wouldn’t build a choo choo mechanism, try a T-Fling or a winch.
Whats a Choo Choo mechanisem?
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A choo choo mechanism is a mechanism that can pull the catapult down, then launch it. It uses a circle (usually a gear) with beams attached to it. The beams pull the catapult down, then they overbalance and launch the catapult. For more info, watch this video:
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Oh okay. I suggest you use a 2 motor rachet with a string on the cilander. 1 motor for the winch another for the ratchet. I hope this answered your question!
Move the piece that makes it over-centered across from the catapult. Usually some don’t go down all the way because it isn’t over-centering right. Also try moving where the catapult is attached to the beam.