CMU Camera

Now that FIRST is over for the summer I want to experiment with the CMU camera. Rather than take the RC out of the big robot or buy an EDU controller, is there a way to communicate with the CMU camera using a VEX controller?

Yes. The Vex Controller and the FRC Robot Controller, found on this page, are very similar - especially with the 2005 RC unit. The 2005 RC unit uses the exact same micro-processors inside as the Vex. The Vex Controller has a TTL Serial Port just like the FRC RC Controller. You will have to convert the TTL data to RS232 before sending the data to/from the camera just like you did for the FIRST competition for best results. This will not be as easy because you do not have a pre-made board that just plugs in to do this conversion. You will have to make your own TTL to RS232 converter or adapt the converter used with the FRC RC unit for Vex. The FRC RC unit TTL to RS232 converter can be found on the page [ The Camera does have a TTL port so you can connect them directly without the converter. Your line lengths must be kept short and away from noise or you will experience communication problems.]( The Camera does have a TTL port so you can connect them directly without the converter. Your line lengths must be kept short and away from noise or you will experience communication problems.)

I’ve seen the previous post about CMU cameras, but could you expand on what modifications would have to be made to the RS232 - TTL conversion circuit? Also, I know how to program C, but I am unfamiliar with the Vex SDK, would the camera retain all its output for Vex? (IE: output of angles, confidence, etc) Lastly, could the camera be powered directly by the vex controller or would it need an outside power source?

We do not support the interface of any Non-Vex product with the Vex Controller. We provide you with the specification of the Vex Controller and you must interface any Non-Vex device based on those specs. The previous post gives you all the information you should need. Very basically, the Camera talks over a serial port- TX and RX. Vex is it at TTL levels and the CMU Camera is at RS232 levels and TTL levels. You must convert the RS232 levels to be compatible. All the same information that the Camera sent to the FRC unit can be sent to the Vex Controller.