The VEX IQ color sensor does not recognize the color blue when we use the blue highrise blocks. Red and Green blocks work just fine. I have attached the code I have used and I have attached a video of the robot in action.
I have color sensors from 24 Super kits and it seems like none of them work. In the fall I added in some coding using the blocks and the color sensor with my eighth-grade students. None of my students (four classes of 22 students each) were able to use the blue, however red and green worked just fine. I wonder it I have a bad batch of color sensors.
Thank you
Did you go to device info and see what it was outputting when you hold the blue block up?
That will be the best way for you to see what the robot is seeing.
I found a solution. In RobotC Graphical I now use Color “BlueGreen” in place of color “Blue” the sensor picks it right up. Here is the code that works for the Blue Highrise block.
Yeah, bluegreen here as well for the Highrise blocks.