Communication b/t Robot Brain and Raspberry Pi

Hello everyone-

My friends and I are building a Rubik’s Cube Solver for an independent study in school. For scanning the cube, we are planning to use a Raspberry Pi Model A with the Camera Module and use open source algorithms (like Kociemba’s) in Java to find a solve for the pattern. We have already seen in RUBIX, the VEX IQ Rubik’s Cube solving robot by Danielle Bertinelli, that he had to use a more complicated method of communication between his Android Phone and Brain, since the Brain didn’t support Bluetooth. It consisted of flashing colors on an Android Phone’s screen, which the VEX IQ color sensors would pick up and make sense of to tell the Brain what motor commands to do. For the Brain to acknowledge the phone, a piece was waved in front of the phone’s proximity sensor. We were thinking since we are using a Raspberry Pi (which is obviously not a phone), is there a way for it to communicate with the Brain directly via Radio/WiFi signals? (If it helps, I do know that the Raspberry Pi can broadcast FM signals.)

Thanks in advance!
