Communication between VEX IQ brain and external source

Hi, I’m new here and I planning to buy the starter kit and play around with VEX IQ. I’m currently doing robotics using an arduino card but I’m looking for something cheaper and VEX IQ looks very nice. However I have some questions before going for VEX IQ instead of VEX Robotics ( not sure this is how we name it ? ).
The only thing holding me is : Can a “VEX IQ brain” communicate with externals “things”. Eg. if I want to plug two brain together, is it possible ? ( That would be, very, very awesome… by using hot swap of the slaves connected to the brain, we could do robots that plug into each others to communicate :|. Or we can simply use multiple lights and color sensors to do a kind of serial communication, but this would cost many ports, and the brain only has 12 ports… )
Can I use the USB port to plug a VEX IQ Brain to my arduino card ?
Is there any way to use the 900Mhz receiver with something else then the controller, like E.g. an other VEX IQ Brain

Finally, I saw this post :

I’m not sure to understand, but I think using something like an adapter for the VEX IQ Brain port, i could plug the brain to something like an attiny 85 ( Cheap, small, always usefull ) who could act as a converter of external inputs and outputs…
After that, there would be… infinities of possibilities

Thanks you!

Hum, nice. This code still work with the current up to date firmware ?
I will try this as soon as possible! ( Monday )
I will post the result here. Thanks for the code, this look very promising!