Controller not keep charge

My vex v5 controller won’t hold a charge the screen is blinking red even when the battery icon showed more that half battery

That looks awfully like one of the beta controllers from 2018. I’m not surprised the battery has reached end of life. (and FYI, beta hardware is not competition legal). Or perhaps just a really over exposed photo, is the top grey or white ?

Anyway, how old is the controller ?

2 years old but dropped like 8-10 times

probably not much you can do, the battery is not end user serviceable. Does the battery ever reach full charge (it can take several hours) ?

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It does get fully charged but still blinks red like it’s low on battery. then when we start the code it does in minutes.

The battery estimation in the V5 controller is very simple and just based on the voltage of the battery. The battery should last several hours when fully charged. It sounds like the battery in this controller has reached end of life or there is internal damage that resulted from being dropped.

Thanks for the help this was just weird bc this is the first time this has happened to me in several years.

Before you get rid of the controller, you could try to reset it by pressing the manual reset button.

Here’s an article from the VEX library that should help: