Could inventor & fusion 360 swap parts or assembly file smoothly?

So some of my team members using inventor, others using fusion 360, my question is could they swap their design smoothly? If not, which one is better for team work or better for beginners?
Thanks you guys!
Have a good season!

Fusion 360 is amazing. I personally haven’t used inventor but fusion 360 allows you to make groups so all of your files save in the cloud and can be accessed from any device (same goes for your teammates)
Fusion 360 is also amazing for movement (Again, not sure if inventor has this). I have my dr4b with movement which is amazing for figuring out spacing. It’s also really good if your questioning if your gears with spin the way you want them to (you probably won’t have that issue but we are running a intake with 2 rollers so we needed to make a differential with bevel gears).
I haven’t tried inventor, but I promise you fusion 360 is gonna have everything your looking for and probably more.


I believe these can answer your question:

Inventor → Fusion:

Fusion → Inventor:


Fusion and Inventor are made by the same company and so they swap parts quite well. A good portion of my team uses Fusion, but I prefer Inventor. Fusion is better for collaboration on the same parts as everything is cloud based.
I do some personal projects that are quite complex (and my computer has the hardware to support it) so Inventor is faster and works better for my purposes. Additionally, Inventor is more intuitive for making assemblies than Fusion.
They are about equal for making parts, I think Fusion is faster to pick up, but Inventor is a little more controlled.

As far as I’m aware, Inventor has the most extensive 3d model conversion library available. Another member of our team uses solidworks, and Inventor can directly open solidworks parts, but for solidworks to open inventor parts, you have to install inventor so that solidworks can use Inventor’s conversion software.

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WOW, thanks. I really don’t know F360 could do this much. I’m an old fasion guy with SW & inventor. I’ll try to use F360.

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This is helpful! Thanks, John !

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Thanks! I’ll try F360, sounds like a good teamwork choice.

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