Found this page by accident when I clicked on an ad for VEX on CD. It appears to be a countdown till the launch of the new game and maybe to new hardware too?!
You’re probably right, it was late my math wasn’t working… Anyways that almost makes more sense since Texas is in the Central timezone and that’s where IFI is located. 13:00 EST(1:00Pm) would be 12:00 CST(12:00PM) Releaseing the new game at noon makes sense, right?
With school starting up, we were going online to get information on the Vex competitions this year. Looks like most of the stuff is still for last season, but there is a big countdown display at the top of the screen on the Vex competition page. I figure it is for the new season, registration, the game or something, but it does not seem to say. Does anyone know for sure what the countdown is for? Asked on Chiefdelphi also, just curious.
New game is scheduled to be announced at Noon (Central Time) Tuesday the 19th, 2008.
PS: In the US, 12:00 Central = 1:00 East Coast = 11:00 Mountain = 10:00 West Coast
Other timezones around the world (many teams are Asian, I think that at least a few are European, etc…) will have to do their own math
Ok so we have a little more than a day to go till the new game lets guess what kind of game we are going to have…
For example game piece: I expect that this years game pieces will be more box like, instead of a ball object.
Playing field: I really have no idea… but i expect that there will be a lot of “way-points” or lines since this year VEX is introducing the full autonomous game option.
From what they said earlier this year at the World Competition, there will be three options for competition:
1st Regular competition 20 sec auto mode and 2:00min operator control.
2nd Full 2:20min or 2:00min(not sure which) autonomous mode.
3rd Full 2:20min or 2:00min(not sure which) operator mode.