Hi, our team is wondering if they are allowed to use different attachments in the robot skills matches versus the alliance matches. With our particular skill level, it seems like we would do better with pushing the Hex balls in the robot skills matches, whereas we might have a little more time to try to lift the balls up to the high goals in alliance matches. Are we allowed to swap out the attachments to try to specialize more?
October 11, 2016, 11:06am
Yes, this is legal per <R2> of the Robot rules. The rule is quoted below for your convenience.
VEX IQ Challenge Crossover Game Manual:
<R2> Only one (1) robot will be allowed to participate per team in the VEX IQ Challenge. Though it is expected that teams will make changes to their robot at the event, a team is limited to only one (1) robot. The VEX IQ System is intended to be a mobile robotics design platform. As such, a VEX IQ Challenge robot, for the purposes of the VEX IQ Challenge, has the following subsystems:
Subsystem 1: Mobile robotic base including wheels, tracks, or any other mechanism that allows the robot to navigate the majority of the flat playing field surface. For a stationary robot, the robotic base without wheels would be considered Subsystem 1.
Subsystem 2: Power and control system that includes a VEX IQ legal battery, a VEX IQ control system, and associated Smart Motors for the mobile robotic base.
Subsystem 3: Additional mechanisms (and associated Smart Motors) that allow manipulation of game objects or navigation of field obstacles.
Given the above definitions, a minimum robot for use in any VEX IQ Challenge event (including Skills Challenges) must consist of subsystem 1 and 2 above. Thus if you are swapping out an entire subsystem of either item 1 or 2, you have now created a second robot and are no longer legal.
a. Teams may not participate with one robot, while a second is being modified or assembled.
b. Teams may not switch back and forth between multiple robots during an event.