Are your limit switches in the I/O area (16 Ports, plus RX and TX) or in the Interrupt Area??
rc_dig_int5 and rc_dig_int6 are for the Interrupts, rc_dig_in05 and rc_dig_in06 are for the Digital Inputs, if so configured like in the code below.
Look in the ifi_aliases.h file for the descriptions of which Variables hold values from which Inputs…
Does your “User_Initialization” function in the file “user_routines.c” look like this???
void User_Initialization (void)
/* FIRST: Set up the pins you want to use as analog INPUTs. */
IO1 = IO2 = INPUT; /* Used for analog inputs. */
Note: IO1 = IO2 = IO3 = IO4 = INPUT
is the same as the following:
/* SECOND: Configure the number of analog channels. */
Set_Number_of_Analog_Channels(TWO_ANALOG); /* See ifi_aliases.h */
/* THIRD: Set up any extra digital inputs. */
/* The six INTERRUPTS are already digital inputs. */
/* If you need more then set them up here. */
/* IOxx = IOyy = INPUT; */
IO3 = IO4 = IO5 = IO6 = IO7 = IO8 = INPUT;
IO9 = IO10 = IO11 = IO12 = IO13 = IO15 = INPUT;
/* FOURTH: Set up the pins you want to use as digital OUTPUTs. */
IO14 = IO16 = OUTPUT;
/* FIFTH: Initialize the values on the digital outputs. */
rc_dig_out14 = rc_dig_out16 = 0;
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