Disc Launcher

I have previously worked on a disc launcher (launches washers). However, I had an issue where the washers would just slip out from the disc propelling device (I can’t call it a gun). I was using intake rollers to launch. My questions are:

  1. If im going to gear it to not just drop the washer out the front, should i go for speed or torque, and what gear ratio should I use? My biggest gear is 60 tooth, my smallest 12.
  2. Should I be using intake rollers to launch it? what you recommend?

Launching washers? Ok well,

  1. I would gear it for speed, to fling anything you are going to want to be able to give it the most amount of forward velocity possible. Also I would use more than 4 maybe 6 motors at that point you would be running out of current for each motor.

  2. I’d use the “Low Friction Wheels” the intake rollers I don’t think would work as well. I’d try both if you can.