Just out of curiocity, do any girls work with vex?
Haven’t you seen the VEXY THINGS team?
no, i havent, thanks for the reply
I havn’t either…:o
there are plenty of girls that work on vex, we have a girl on my team, and vexy things as stated above.
Gar-Field HS had an all girl team at the scrimmage too.
I also put yes because the high school team has plenty of girls…
Im not sure there are to many on the forums though…
maybe they dont get into it as much as we do like as a hobbie maybe they just think it is a class
it’s pretty sad really, we dont have any girls on our FRC team:( i dont know why, there have been a few grils that have shown interest in robotics, but after seeing that they would be the only girl they leave.
i dont know why, there have been a few grils that have shown interest in robotics, but after seeing that they would be the only girl they leave.
Most are neurotically social.
that suxs:(
Most are neurotically social.
they move in (packs) “it is hard ot ask them out it suxs”
It’s the same with us too when the girls come they lose interest because sometimes they don’t get to do what they want, they don’t understand that everyone doesn’t get to do what they want. They think us, the guys, are relegating them to the simple tasks, where we had to work up to learning the complex stuff. It least that’s how it is with us.
In your case, I would suggest that ALL the girls that have shown interest in Robotics, that you get them together so they can see that individually they are not the only one interested, and let them decide if they would like to try Robotics as a “group”. (“Prompting Lines” available if you want)
As for the “relegating them”, try to team them up with another male “newbie” or Two and have a more senior member to show them ALL together what needs to be done… Your Leaders should always be willing to do the work of the most Junior Person, and demonstrate it… Thus supporting the Phrase “Lead by Example” (A little Google search found Lead By Example and How to Lead By Example.
Like was brought up earlier…
The move in packs, and robotics isn’t exactly a “popular” thing…
The risk of pack desertion is too much…
As one who has 4 Daughters and 1 Son, I know for sure that some girls move in their own Pack, you just need to find the ones that like Problem Solving and applying that knowldge, and you will have your own Girl Pack…
but only if our school had any girls who would stand up to this pack attitude:( not joining robotics for fear of being the only person like yourself is stupid, especially if it is something you like to do.
Peer Presure…
Yes, that is why you need to find the girls interested and tell the first one (lets call her Ashley) that the second one (lets call her Madison) was interested in joining the Robot group, but there were no other girls involved. And maybe if Ashley was still interested in joining the Robot Group, she could talk to Madison and see if maybe she might come too. This lets Ashley know that there was another girl who was interested the Robot Group and who it is. As long as Ashley and Madison are not enemies, this might be enough to get the girls interested. If Ashley or Madison is fairly popular in school, this might encourage more girls to attend. After all, if the popular girls are interested in Robotics, there must be some reason.
Once the other students see Girls attending the group, the Boys and Girls will see it as acceptable. Depending on how the Girls in the Group are perceived by other girls, this will set the tone for what type of girls are precevied as accepted in the group. If you get Math Girls, they might be percevided as “too nerdy”, and Robots are Hard to do, If you get more popular, athletes or even more “averge” girls (the ones that never really try any extra clubs or activites), this will show the typical girl that everyone can participate…
MarkO I would like to thank you for your help and input, considering the build season is over this year, it’s too late to try anything new, but next year we will. Thank you.
It is never too late…
FRC Team 957’s College Mentor is this very week getting School Support for a Vex Team to start Immediately… This is so they will be ready for next fall’s FVC Kick Off. I think the meetings will be every other week, so as to not burden the students too much…
Most all of the FRC team is interested… It is time to get all the Interested Girls involved too…