I had a pretty intense discussion with my teammate. I think that the front drive is better for flywheel, but my friend said that rollers being the front drive is better. What’s your opinion.
I drive with the intake and roller on front just because I have driven shooting robots in this fashion before. I would leave it up to whoever the driver is since it will be more intuitive for them.
i personally like the intake in front because you will be moving in that direction for most of the match
Intake in front, shooter in back, roller on the back
Unless your driver can drive backwards, you could try using a drive switch. We are using intake in front because we have autoaim.
In our case, we didn’t have to make a trade-off and put all three (intake, roller, & flywheel) on the front of the robot. The flywheel is on the left and the roller on the right so they don’t interfere with each other.
How’s your center of mass?
It’s probably not perfect but we don’t have any swerve issues while driving unless we drive for long enough that the drive motors overheat.
I drive with intake and rollers in the front, and flywheel in the back.
I should mention that I am pretty comfortable driving backward, and a drive switch would just slow me down. In most spin-up matches your driving in the direction of your intake, and only driving backwards when lining up for shooting (depending on the robot design ofc). I would recommend trying both out, as its pretty easy to code.
I coded it so that we can switch between, but it starts on rollers front to get disks when the match starts
I should also just drop a poll, should have done it earlier.
- Front Intake
- Front flywheel
- Both intake and flywheel front(same side)
For reasons mentioned in my above message, I am unable to answer this poll accurately
I just answered front flywheel (we are cata gang if you couldn’t tell by my pfp)
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