Do you watch Doctor Who?

I love Doctor Who and wanted to see if anyone else watched it.

I used too, loved it, they stopped showing it on CBC though. They show it on Bold, but I don’t subscribe to it.
Could probably find it somewhere online

I used to watch it on SciFi. At least until the cable company realized that we had cancelled our service almost a year ago :frowning:

Also, i am posting from a mac for the first time, and it’s not quite as bad as I thought.

LOL! I’ve never had a good experience with Mac’s but that’s only because the only Mac I’ve ever tried are the school ones and they just pure suck. 256MB RAM and G(3)(4) processor. And the way the school sets up the file systems is awful.

But I tried a new one at Future Shop once, liked it way better than PC’s

Definate YES!!

I have been watching Dr. Who since… umm… 1985…

I have seen ALL of the episodes of the 3rd Doctor, 4th Doctor, 5th Doctor, and 6th Doctor. A few episodes of the 7th Doctor. All the episodes of the 9th Doctor, and about half of the 10th Doctor.

Dr. Who has lots of great Science Fiction ideas… A device that is “Dimensionally Transcendental” would have great value in my Basement. :wink:

It has been playing on SciFi for the last 14 weeks and this Friday is the final of the 4 season!

The one I was using was a Macbook that my dad checked out from his school for the summer. It’s kind of my only option right now as one of our computers is is lying in pieces downstairs waiting for me to fix it, and the other is waiting in line for the same repair. (easy to take apart, not easy to fix the motherboard)

I’m gonna get a job and offer to pay for the cable so I can finally watch some decent TV:mad:

never heard of it

That is what is great about the Internet!!!

Dr Who has been around longer than Star Trek!

Dr. Who (BBC)
Dr. Who (Wikipedia)

Star Trek (Wikipedia)

What is stranger than British Comedy?? British Science Fiction.

(I like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy too)

w00t!!! HGTTG!!! except I haven’t seen the old shows just the new movie and a couple of the books (I want the rest though :D)