Downloading issue regarding update on new vex software

All of a sudden today, a new vex update pushed on the vexcode IQ, at least on my end. However, it apparently makes it impossible to download anything, as the brain just says error 12, old bootloader then fails to download the update. Oddly, when I plug the brain into vexcode, it recognizes it as a controller, not a brain. I already tried power cycling and another brain, but experienced the same issues. Is this just on my end or for everyone?
This may be already solved by vex by the time someone sees this post :slight_smile:

No updates were pushed as far as I know, everyone is still supporting the world championships.

That sounds like you plugged a very old motor into a generation 2 brain. IQ2 doesn’t support motors with old bootloaders for updating, you would have to use the vexos utility with a generation 1 brain to do that.