Drive PID going to ~17 inches instead of asked 24

I have self-made (with tutorial help) drive and turn PIDs, and while after lots of testing and tweaking and tuning the Turn PID works like a charm, there is an issue with the drive PID.

void DrivePID(float setpoint) {
  LF.setRotation(0, degrees);
  LM.setRotation(0, degrees);
  LB.setRotation(0, degrees);
  RF.setRotation(0, degrees);
  RM.setRotation(0, degrees);
  RB.setRotation(0, degrees);
  float error = setpoint * (360/(3.25*pi));
  float integral = 0;
  float derivative = 0;
  float preverror = 0;
  float velo = 0;
  float prevelo = 0;
  float kP = 0.1;
  float kI = 0.0;
  float kD = 0.0;
  while(fabs(error) >= 1) {
    error = setpoint * (360/(3.25*pi)) - ((LF.position(degrees) + LM.position(degrees) + LB.position(degrees) + RF.position(degrees) + RM.position(degrees) + RB.position(degrees))/6);
    derivative = error - preverror;
    preverror = error;
    if(fabs(error) <= 10) {
      integral += error;
    else if(error <= 1 && error >= -1){
      integral = 0;
    velo = (error*kP) + (integral*kI) + (derivative*kD);
    prevelo = velo;
    LF.spin(forward, 12*velo, volt);
    LM.spin(forward, 12*velo, volt);
    LB.spin(forward, 12*velo, volt);
    RF.spin(forward, 12*velo, volt);
    RM.spin(forward, 12*velo, volt);
    RB.spin(forward, 12*velo, volt);
    wait(20, msec);
  wait(20, msec);

I will ask it to go 24 inches (“DrivePID(24)”) or roughly the length of a tile, and it does not go near there, stopping around roughly 17 inches and doing its little corrections with P. These kP, kI, and kD numbers are obviously not final, as I cannot tune it if it doesn’t work in the first place. I’ve looked at it extensively and can’t find anything wrong, and the degrees-to-inches math should be right as we are using 3.25 inch wheels.

What gear ratio is your drive? This code is only valid (as far as I can see) if you are directly driving 3.25" wheels from your motors.

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Someone on Robolytics ended up helping to fix this, the answer was I needed to account for gear ratios.

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