Dunbar Lab Rats - Great Job

To Joshua Gabrielse, all the Dunbar Lab Rats, and all the friends, volunteers and supporters who made today’s fun and exciting Baltimore Lab Rats VRC regional possible today - Thank You!

I know Team 42 and I enjoyed your hospitality; and we congratulate you on a job well done.

Students - Every robot on the field and every team holding the controls, turning the screws and cheering from the stands was impressive in one way or another. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

Blake (Head Ref) Ross.

Folks - Here are the rankings from the Qualifying rounds of today’s tournament:

Rank     Team#   W-L-T  QP  RP 
   1     2528    6-0-0  12  82
   2      631    6-0-0  12  79
   3       24B   6-0-0  12  76
   4       42    6-0-0  12  69
   5     1748A   6-0-0  12  67
   6       12A   5-1-0  10  99
   7     1748C   5-1-0  10  71
   8       24A   5-1-0  10  52
   9     1893A   4-2-0   8  74
  10      970    3-3-0   6  62
  11       12C   2-3-1   5  51
  12       12B   2-4-0   4  92
  13     2132    2-4-0   4  68
  14      768    2-4-0   4  53
  15     1727A   2-4-0   4  52
  16     1727B   1-4-1   3  91
  17     1894B   1-4-1   3  72
  18     1893B   1-5-0   2  61
  19     2546B   1-5-0   2  61
  20       12E   1-5-0   2  41
  21     2546A   1-5-0   2  39
  22       12D   1-5-0   2  28
  23     1894A   1-5-0   2  21
  24     1748B   0-5-1   1  57


Wow, 5 undefeated teams! I guess those RPs are really important, eh?
Looks like 12A was a win away from #1 seed…


Folks - Here is the elimination round information from today’s tournament:

Alliance  Team   Team   Team
     1    2528     12A  1748B  ----> QF ----> SF ----> Finals
     8    2132   1893B  2546B  ----> QF        
     4    1748A   768     12E  ----> QF ----> SF          
     5    1748C    12B    12D  ----> QF        
     2     631     24A  1727B  ----> QF ----> SF          
     7     670   1727A  1894A  ----> QF        
     3      24B    42   1894B  ----> QF ----> SF ----> Finals ----> Champions
     6    1893A    12C  2546A  ----> QF        



I think (but I’m not sure) that 24B and 42 went undefeated for the whole tournament.

Neither had a very complicated bot and 42’s was dead simple (but effective).

I’m sure that as the season goes on, more and more sophistication/efficiency/elegance will be needed if a team wants to do well in a tournament; but in the early season …

PS: I don’t have pictures, but other folks should be able to post some soon.

Number	Name			City		State	Country	Short Name		School/Sponsor
42	Mostly Harmless		Manassas	VA	USA	Mostly Harmless		Triangle Fraternity & Virginia 4-H	
631	2 hard 4 u		Lower Merion	PA	USA	2 hard 4 u		Lower Merion	
768	TechnoWarriors		Gwynn Oak	MD	USA	TechnoWarriors		Woodlawn HS	
970	Rolling Grizzlies	Baltimore	MD	USA	Rolling Grizzlies	Friendship Academy	
1894A	Panthers A		Baltimore	MD	USA	Panthers		WEB DuBois HS	
2132	Mervo Mustangs		Baltimore	MD	USA	Mustangs		Mergenthaler Vocational HS	
2528	RoboDoves		Baltimore	MD	USA	RoboDoves		Western HS	
1894B	Panthers B		Baltimore	MD	USA	Panthers		WEB DuBois HS	
12A	ACME Robotics A		McLean		VA	USA	ACME A			Potomac School	
12B	ACME Robotics B		McLean		VA	USA	ACME B			Potomac School	
12C	ACME Robotics C		McLean		VA	USA	ACME C			Potomac School	
12D	ACME Robotics D		McLean		VA	USA	ACME D			Potomac School	
12E	ACME Robotics E		McLean		VA	USA	ACME E			Potomac School	
1727A	Rex 1			Timonium	MD	USA	Rex 1			Dulaney HS	
1727B	Rex 2			Timonium	MD	USA	Rex 2			Dulaney HS	
1748A	Lab Rats A		Baltimore	MD	USA	Lab Rats A		Dunbar HS/Patterson HS/Walbrook HS
1748B	Lab Rats B		Baltimore	MD	USA	Lab Rats B		Dunbar HS/Patterson HS/Walbrook HS
1748C	Lab Rats C		Baltimore	MD	USA	Lab Rats C		Dunbar HS/Patterson HS/Walbrook HS
1893A	Poly Pride		Baltimore	MD	USA	Poly A			Baltimore Polytechnical Institute
1893B	Poly Pride		Baltimore	MD	USA	Poly B			Baltimore Polytechnical Institute
24A	Super Sonic Sparks A	Westminster	MD	USA	S-Cubed			Carroll County 4-H Program
24B	Super Sonic Sparks B	Westminster	MD	USA	S-Cubed			Carroll County 4-H Program
2546A	Electric Sheep A	Baltimore	MD	USA	Electric Sheep A	Digital Harbor HS
2546B	Electric Sheep B	Baltimore	MD	USA	Electric Sheep B	Digital Harbor HS
Rank	TeamNum	TeamName		Wins	Losses	Ties	QP	RP
1	2528	RoboDoves		6	0	0	12	82
2	631	2 hard 4 u		6	0	0	12	79
3	24B	Super Sonic Sparks B	6	0	0	12	76
4	42	Mostly Harmless		6	0	0	12	69
5	1748A	Lab Rats A		6	0	0	12	67
6	12A	ACME Robotics A		5	1	0	10	99
7	1748C	Lab Rats C		5	1	0	10	71
8	24A	Super Sonic Sparks A	5	1	0	10	52
9	1893A	Poly Pride		4	2	0	8	74
10	970	Rolling Grizzlies	3	3	0	6	62
11	12C	ACME Robotics C		2	3	1	5	51
12	12B	ACME Robotics B		2	4	0	4	92
13	2132	Mervo Mustangs		2	4	0	4	68
14	768	TechnoWarriors		2	4	0	4	53
15	1727A	Rex 1			2	4	0	4	52
16	1727B	Rex 2			1	4	1	3	91
17	1894B	Panthers B		1	4	1	3	72
18	1893B	Poly Pride		1	5	0	2	61
19	2546B	Electric Sheep B	1	5	0	2	61
20	12E	ACME Robotics E		1	5	0	2	41
21	2546A	Electric Sheep A	1	5	0	2	39
22	12D	ACME Robotics D		1	5	0	2	28
23	1894A	Panthers A		1	5	0	2	21
24	1748B	Lab Rats B		0	5	1	1	57
Round	Instanc Match # Field	Red1	Red2	Red3	Blue1	Blue2	Blue3	RedScor BluScor
2	1	1	Morgan	12C	768		631	1893A		7	34
2	1	2	BCCC	12B	2132		2528	1748A		15	42
2	1	3	Morgan	2546B	12D		1748C	1894A		6	11
2	1	4	BCCC	1894B	1727A		42	24B		2	46
2	1	5	Morgan	24A	12E		1727B	2546A		18	0
2	1	6	BCCC	1893B	1748B		12A	970		15	32
2	1	7	Morgan	631	12B		2546B	1894B		23	20
2	1	8	BCCC	2528	2546A		1893A	1748C		23	13
2	1	9	Morgan	42	12A		1894A	1727B		34	18
2	1	10	BCCC	768	2132		12E	1748B		29	0
2	1	11	Morgan	24B	1748A		12D	1893B		54	2
2	1	12	BCCC	970	12C		1727A	24A		11	12
2	1	13	Morgan	42	1893A		12E	2546B		14	6
2	1	14	BCCC	1894A	1893B		631	1748A		7	45
2	1	15	Morgan	24B	1748C		12A	2132		39	21
2	1	16	BCCC	2528	24A		12B	970		30	15
2	1	17	Morgan	1727B	1748B		12C	1894B		6	6
2	1	18	BCCC	1727A	2546A		768	12D		0	45
2	1	19	Morgan	12E	1893B		42	2528		16	38
2	1	20	BCCC	1748C	24A		1748B	2132		43	2
2	1	21	Morgan	12D	1894A		1727A	12B		1	13
2	1	22	BCCC	12A	970		768	2546B		43	9
2	1	23	Morgan	1748A	631		12C	2546A		37	6
2	1	24	BCCC	1894B	1727B		1893A	24B		24	34
2	1	25	Morgan	768	1748B		24A	42		20	21
2	1	26	BCCC	970	12D		2528	12C		5	25
2	1	27	Morgan	631	1748C		12B	1727B		44	25
2	1	28	BCCC	2546B	24B		2132	2546A		32	13
2	1	29	Morgan	12E	1894A		1893B	1894B		3	18
2	1	30	BCCC	1727A	1893A		1748A	12A		20	45
2	1	31	Morgan	631	24B		1748B	12D		34	14
2	1	32	BCCC	2546B	2546A		970	42		7	18
2	1	33	Morgan	1893A	1748C		1894A	24A		42	4
2	1	34	BCCC	12C	12A		12E	12B		34	16
2	1	35	Morgan	1748A	2132		768	1894B		44	17
2	1	36	BCCC	1727B	2528		1727A	1893B		25	18
3	1	1		2528	12A	1748B	2132	1893B	2546B	50	11
3	1	2		2528	12A	1748B	2132	1893B	2546B	38	0
3	2	1		1748A	768	12E	1748C	12B	12D	1	36
3	2	2		1748A	768	12E	1748C	12B	12D	26	21
3	2	3		1748A	768	12E	1748C	12B	12D	21	17
3	3	1		631	24A	1727B	970	1727A	1894A	51	6
3	3	2		631	24A	1727B	970	1727A	1894A	39	6
3	4	1		24B	42	1894B	1893A	12C	2546A	30	24
3	4	2		24B	42	1894B	1893A	12C	2546A	49	3
4	1	1		2528	12A	1748B	1748A	768	12E	42	16
4	1	2		2528	12A	1748B	1748A	768	12E	8	36
4	1	3		2528	12A	1748B	1748A	768	12E	28	16
4	2	1		631	24A	1727B	24B	42	1894B	27	37
4	2	2		631	24A	1727B	24B	42	1894B	19	32
5	1	1		2528	12A	1748B	24B	42	1894B	15	46
5	1	2		2528	12A	1748B	24B	42	1894B	7	46

Very cool – thanks for posting.

You know, this thread is useless without pictures and video!

Do you have any of the scores?

Look two posts above yours. You must scroll to the right in the window showing the info.

OK, thanks. Didn’t see them at first.