Easy print tipping point ring quarters, no supports, no glue if you're careful

This might be a nostalgic seasonal decoration for the old guard.

I’ve simplified most things over the years - if there’s a thing you’d like to print and I’ve got something suitable, I’ll post it.


Please don’t call people who competed in tipping point “old guard”…

It can’t have been that long ago…


<"Very very nice

20 char">

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This is quite amazing, tbh! :tada:

If someone could figure out a way store my 1 cu. yd. collection of old vrc game elements in 1 cu. ft. of volume, without first crashing them with a 100 ton press, that would be a miracle.

Sadly, most game elements could not be taken apart to take less space naturally…

A golden statue of Karthik, perhaps. :wink:

True meaning of which is only known to the select few…