I don’t know the specifics of why or how EasyC fails on Windows Vista, but let me tell you what I know about how Vista fails with the Software built by my Employer… I don’t have a Vista System test EasyC with, so someone else might want to try this…
My Employer, SilverLeaf Electronics, makes two different Windows 32 bit applications.
Both apps are written in MicroSoft Visual C++, 6.0, and are MicroSoft Foundation Class (MFC) applications. One does RS-232 Serial communication, the other does USB communication. Both will run under Windows Vista, and have been personally check by me to run under Windows Vista Home Basic edition.
Here is a failure point that might be relevant:
The application that communicates RS-232 Serial, reads and writes Data Files in Application’s Install Directory. Under Vista, this causes problems, since the User Access Control (UAC) system, seems to want the Data Files to be located under the Current Users Profile rather than the Application’s Install Directory. Our Program won’t look in the Current Users Profile, because it is a simple Monitoring Program, and does not need that level of complexity.
CURRENT FIX: The User Access Control (UAC) system currently (with no Service Packs) is only concerned with the "%SystemRoot%\Program Files" (usually this is resolved as "C:\Program Files"). Installing the SilverLeaf application in the Root Directory, causes the User Access Control (UAC) system to “ignore” our application reading and writing Data Files in Application’s Install Directory.
I would suguest that if the File Accessing is an issue with EasyC, try installing EasyC in “%SystemRoot%\Intelitek” rather than “%SystemRoot%\Program Files\Intelitek” which is the Default Location.
Since there is currently no plans for EasyC 1.x and EasyC FRC to be made Vista ready, this might be “a workaround”.