EasyC Controller Code?

Is there a code that i can download to my robot to see exactly what the robot is reading from the controller? ie: motor speeds, and stuff like that

this is easy to make:
make a while loop with 1==1 so its infinite
make a dozen or so variables
display the variable value with a Print to Screen command
use rx input
digital input
analog input

turn on power and open the terminal window (make sure computer is connected to robot)

that is kinda what i was aking
i got the kit tuesday and have never programed before
so what do i put in for the variables
so faw i have regular motors in ports 1,2,3,4
and they are programed with the rx control takn 4motor mode
so how do i put that into the code as well?

Use the online code, it will show you what the sensors read, and you can set the motor speeds.

i dont want to set motor speeds, i want to see what the robot is reading from the controller

if you want to see the inputs then the online code will work, if you want to see joystick and button inputs use my example of code with rxinput command

Are you using EasyC 2.x, Pro or MPLAB???

The 2007 FTC Quad Quandary MPLAB Template will automaticlly display on the Terminal in the IFI downloader that information. After downloading the code, select the Terminal under the Options in the IFI Downloader.

I recommend going though the getting started section of the help file. That should set you on the right track.