easyC Installation Frequently Asked Questions

I’m having trouble with VexNet. What can I do to fix it?
Start Here: http://content.vexrobotics.com/docs/VEXnet_Cortex_UserGuide_081811.pdf

What is the latest version of easyC?
See my signature below.

Where can I download the latest version of easyC V2

Where can I download the latest version of easyC PRO

What version of easyC for PIC supports VexNet?
easyC V2 - and Higher
easyC PRO - and Higher

What do I need to Run/Install easyC?
Windows XP SP3/Vista/Win 7
PIII-1000MHz+, 512MB
200MB Hard Disk Space
Administrator Access for installation and drivers

** I get Error 1000 unlocking easyC **

The key you entered into easyC doesn’t match any keys in the database.
Check and make sure that the key you entered is correct and if it is please
contact [email protected].

** I get Error 1007 unlocking easyC **

easyC thinks you have registered all of your available copies of easyC. If you
haven’t please contact [

Check an make sure the driver is installed for your programming cable. In the device manager goto Ports Serial / LPT and look for Vex CDC Driver (COM X) or Prolific USB-To-Serial (COM X)** I get an error opening the serial port or getting vex system info.**]([email protected].)