Extension cable issues

On one of our robots (and only on this one robot), none of the motors will run when connected via extension cables. No problem if motors are connected directly to cortex. Any thoughts on what might be causing this issue? I have searched the forum but no answers quite address the issue. Thanks for your help.

does that same EXACT cable work on another cortex?
That would be my first question.

What kind of extension cable and on what end?
You can use 3-wire from the brain to the MC29 and then 2-wire from the MC29 to the motor.

@8232X We will have to try the cable on another cortex. but another cable did not work on the problem cortex. None of the 11 motors worked with an extension cable.

@nenik We have them connected in the proper configuration as you mentioned.

You could try only 3 wire extensions with the mc29s directly into the motors, and the opposite mc29s directly into cortex with only 2 wire extensions.